2020 Crop Year
Winter Projects
Below are some pictures of winter machine shop projects.
Spring Planting Season
Week Ending April 26th
We were able to make good planting progress this week. We finished up soybean planting in the Farmer City area early in the week. We switched both planters over to corn and got 75% of the commercial corn planted around Farmer City before being rained out on Wednesday night.
We moved one planter home on Thursday and started planting corn there. We were able to get in about 300 acres before being rained out on Friday evening. Field conditions have been good but it has been getting cold at night so we are still a little concerned about getting too much corn in the ground north.
We are again running AgLeader display cast this year to share coverage maps between the planters. We are also maintaining on 60 foot controlled traffic patterns with pre-set guidance lines and 120 inch wheel spacing on all equipment running in the field. The sprayer, field cultivators, and planters are all running on RTK guidance.
We are rolling our beans again right after they are planted. The roller knocks down and dirt clods and rocks, making soybean harvest easier and allowing us to run the grain heads closer to the ground.
Below are some pictures from the week.
Week Ending April 19th
With several nights of below freezing temperatures, we held back on planting anything this week. We were able to get some spraying and tillage work done. Field conditions were fit so it was tempting to keep planting, but we held off for warmer temperatures.
We were able to finish spraying all the ground in the Farmer City area and get the sprayer and tankers moved home.
Below are some pictures from the week.
Week Ending April 11, 2020
Our spring planting season started this week. We started planting soybeans in the Farmer City, Illinois area on Tuesday. It was good to get started early after last years late spring. Field conditions were good and we were able to get a couple of good days in before rains shut us down. We were also hesitant to get too many beans planted ahead of the cold temperatures forecast for next week.
We are again running two Horsch 24 row - 30 inch planters. We have a new 2020 Horsch planter that we are trying out as well as one of our original planters. The new planter has a new seed meter system just released by Horsch.
Below are some pictures from the first week of planting.